Top 17 Hairstyles for the Ladies over the Half Century Mark

There are certain times in life where hair style has to change. Does a woman want to appear older, wiser, and classy or looking good for your age, rambunctious, and looking to have fun? It comes down to each unique individual and what she wants to do with her hair. Well, here are a few tips on styles you might like to hear if you are looking for a new, hairdo.

Amy Poehler, an actress, uses a simple bang technique to look a little older by taking a few strands of bangs and having them over the forehead. To looker younger, all that is needed is to sweep those bangs away from the face, in order to frame it.

Scarlett Johansson, also an actress, to look older puts her hair in a poofy crown-ish curl from a medieval time. Then transforms with the use of delicate braids to more of an angel halo princess braid.

Whichever direction you chose, remember you can always go back.

Top 17 Hairstyles for the Ladies over the Half Century Mark

Top 17 Hairstyles for the Ladies over the Half Century Mark

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Top 17 Hairstyles for the Ladies over the Half Century Mark

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Top 17 Hairstyles for the Ladies over the Half Century Mark


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See also  11 Simple, chic short curly hair for woman in her 40s and 50s

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