Effective Acne Therapies and Best Skin Care Products for Acne

Acne is the disease of the skin that leads to hyperactivation of the oil glands. The acne prone skin is a specific type of the skin that is vulnerable to the appearance of the undesired formations. Such an active production of oil develops nodules, papules, postulations, and atheroma.

The procedure of acne treatment with adults requires a complex of measurements for the liquidation of the problem. In the most difficult cases, the treatment should be prescribed by the dermatologist based on the visual symptoms and analysis. Here you will acquire the information on popular acne treatment procedures, means of diagnosis and an analysis of the best acne products for oily skin.

The Forecast for the Treatment of Acne

During the preliminary analysis of the acne stage, the doctors look carefully through an abundance of features and check various symptomatic markers which play a valuable role during the selection of the medical procedure.

  • Acne is a chronical, hard to cure disease that has got a genetic predisposition where the slightest stimulation can cause a recurrence with acute complications. When professionals understand the catalysts which cause the acne, they are capable to control the disease, decrease the chances of worsening, prevent post acne scars and develop a sort of immunity for some time.
  • It is important to understand that in case of a progression of the disease, the changes on the skin are irreversible and it is often impossible to bring the skin to perfection again.
  • A full acne treatment procedure is a lasting process that usually takes over 4 months.
  • During the first month of treatment, there might be a set of severe complications especially when acne growth mechanism is suppressed by the medicine.
  • It is necessary to pass the full course of acne treatment without taking breaks even when serious improvements are being observed. The undertreated acne can return again with even greater complications.

Regardless of the fact that adult acne is the disease that can accompany the patient during the whole life, there is no need to get despaired about it. The modern selection of treatment methods includes both internal and external types. They can make the illness run smoothly and avoid complications with destructive impact on the skin ensuring a long-term remission.

Internal Medical Therapy for Acne Prone Skin

Effective acne products are prescribed for light and moderate acne maladies. They are utilized for the removal of papules, pustulations, and nodules. Aside from conventional creams, lotions and ointments, there is a set of special substances which are taken inside.

  • The antibiotics of macrolide and tetracycline groups. Their basic goal is to suppress the pathogenic microflora in the cores of inflammation.
  • The oral contraceptives with estragen-gestagen substance which normalize the hormonal background and regulate the activity of the oil glands.
  • A, B, C vitamins increase the reepithelization of the skin and improve an overall condition of the body.
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The antibiotics treatment demands a long-term systematic influence. However, it is not advisable to take them for an extremely long term as it often harms the digestive microflora. Moreover, the acne bacteria become resistant to antibiotics after some period of time. In this case, the decision of antibiotics consumption is made based on the potential use for the patient.

The hormonal substances are taken with a greater care as in 60% of case people observe side effects. The most common side effects are sickness, dryness in the mouth and weight gain. They should be stopped to consume in case of the mentioned side effects.

External Medicament Acne Products that Work

The external therapy of acne illness has got similar prescription reasons as the internal therapy, but it is applied on the top of the skin.

Here are the following substances which are applied externally.

  • Lotions on the basis of salicylic acid which make the inflamed areas of the skin dry.
  • Zinc ointment removes inflammation and eliminates the bacteria.
  • Creams and gels on the basis of benzyl peroxide which provides an antibacterial effect thanks to oxidization, synthetic retinoid which normalizes the process of keratinization and azalaine acid which provides an antibacterial effect within the mouth of the follicle.
  • The topical antibiotics are effective for short-term use only due to the possibility of acne microbes’ resistance development.

The topical effect is more visible during the treatment of the disease and within 3 months of properly selected therapy, it is possible to minimize the acne rash to zero.

Mechanical Facial Cleaning and Peeling

Manual facial cleaning is a special procedure during which each pimple is manually removed. The cleaning of this type is possible only in case of a non-inflammatory form of acne rash. The procedures run in the following way:

  • The face of the patient is heated to open the follicles and make them more accessible for operations;
  • The cosmetologist disinfects the surface of the skin;
  • After a careful close look through a special glass, the cosmetologist starts to manually remove pimple by pimple with a special tool.

A less painful and traumatizing variant is the vacuum cleaning of the face. The effect is achieved by a special machine that is pulling out excessive oil right from the follicles through a strong pressure.

The chemical peeling has proven its effectiveness as well. It is performed using various acids of both natural and artificial origin. Such peeling is used for medium and deep cleansing. The positive impact is achieved through the micro burns which are inflicted to the skin.

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Peeling can be used at any stage of acne rash and its deepness variates, depending on the severity level. The procedure is not advisable for people whose skin has a tendency for scars forming.

Laser Therapy Methodology for Treatment

The ruby, neodymium, and alexandrite laser are the most effective tools for influencing the acne rash at the inflamed stage. A highly energized laser penetrates the skin and warms up the surface leading to the following events:

  • The harmful organisms in the body are dying under the impact of the laser.
  • It renovates the cells and prevents the negative consequences of the acne rash like pigment spots and scars.

The only negative feature of the therapy is its high value. Although it is said that operation is painless, people state that they experience itching and burning during the operation. A course of 3-4 options is usually required for the fullest effect.

Acne Photo Treatment

Among all means of fighting acne, phototherapy is one of the most effective ones. The skin is impacted with short-term flashes of light. The spectrum of light is adjusted in the manner to destroy the cells of Propionibacterium Acne. The result is visible after 2 weeks of the therapy.

Another positive feature of photo treatment is the capability to provide the anti-aging effect. It will not only destroy acne but remove some wrinkles. The speed of the treatment is among the fastest and is nearly painless.

Intravenous Laser Treatment of Blood

During the process, a special luminescent transistor is injected into the blood. After that, the blood is stimulated with light and it is transferred through the blood via the markers. As a result, an overall quality of the blood is improved together with the activation of blood renewal.

After the purification and improvement of the blood system the immunity, lipid exchange, and regeneration capabilities are enhanced. This mechanism has an impact on the productivity and normalization of oil glands. It assists the body in fighting with the inflammation centers and improves the recovery of the skin.

Other Popular Medical Means of Acne Treatment

As practice has shown there are many other means of fighting acne rash.

  • Darsonvalisation – the treatment with high voltage current through the Darsonval equipment. It stimulates the neural cells and improves the blood flow.
  • Cryotherapy – the impact with a low temperature that mobilizes all the cells to fight the cold and produce an extreme amount of energy that leads to faster cellular regeneration.
  • Desincrustation – the stimulation of skin with the galvanized currency that shifts the acid balance of the skin and makes more available with sodium solution that flushes away the excess oil from the pores.
  • Mesotherapy – special injections of mineral fluids which stimulate the body to fight against acne bacteria.
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Best Products for Acne Prone Skin

Regardless of the variety of options which are used to clean the skin, the creams and lotions are still among the most popular ones and here you will find the options which can become rather helpful when dealing with the problem of acne.

Olay Regenerist Microdermabrasion & Peel System Microdermabrasion Treatment 1 Kit

Microdermabrasion Kit by Olay Regenerist, Face Peel & Scrub for Dry Skin, Reduce Wrinkles & Fine Lines, 1 Kit
Olay is a powerful two-step system of skin care that is designated to restore the natural functions of oil control at the micro dermal level. The first element makes the skin drier, preventing the accumulation of oils which result in acne appearance. The second element makes the skin gentle and shining.


  • It activates a natural cellular regeneration capability.
  • It restores a color and texture of the skin to the most attractive level.
  • The medication cleans the pores at the micro level.


  • Not all the elements of the cream are of natural origin.
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acid demands the limitation of the sun rays contact.

TruSkin Naturals Vitamin C Serum for Face, Topical Facial Serum with Hyaluronic Acid & Vitamin E, 1 fl oz.

TruSkin Vitamin C Serum for Face, Topical Facial Serum with Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E, 1 fl oz
The serum introduces an innovative formula that is designated to stimulate natural production of collagen that influences a natural oil control of the skin. It nourishes the pores with vitamins and important microelements. The official tests have shown that people who have been using the substance for a long time have shown serious improvements of an overall skin quality.


  • All skin beneficial ingredients in one drop.
  • You can use it several times per week without losing efficiency.
  • It has a pleasant and gentle scent.


  • The serum might cause allergy to some people, need to take a test first.

Retinol Moisturizer Cream for Face – with Retinol, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E and Green Tea.

Radha Beauty Retinol Moisturizer Miracle Cream for Face - with Retinol, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E and Green Tea. Best Night and Day Moisturizing Cream 1.7 fl oz.
The cream is composed of all popular skin care ingredients like retinol, hyaluronic acid, an abundance of vitamins and green tea extract. It does not only normalize the oil level of the user’s skin but also provides an anti-aging effect by smoothing the wrinkles and reducing the number of acne outbreaks. The cream is based on safe ingredients which have been dermatologically tested.


  • It has a comfortable dispenser.
  • The formula is composed exclusively of natural ingredient.
  • It is a dermatologically tested and hypoallergenic substance.


  • It does not contain SPF.

LilyAna Naturals Retinol Cream Moisturizer

LilyAna Naturals Retinol Cream Moisturizer 1.7 Oz
The lack of retinol in the organism of the person frequently leads to the growth of bacteria which are causing the acne. This LylyAna natural cream is a concentrated retinol containing moisturizer that will fill the skin with the required retinol. The formula has been additionally enhanced with other popular ingredients to improve an overall quality of the skin, making it brighter, softer and healthier looking.


  • The formula has a decent amount of substances necessary for the skin’s improvement.
  • The results are rather fast in case of daily use.
  • It has a high concentration of retinol.


  • The can is not a hygienic means of distributing anti-acne cream.

Proactiv 3-Step Acne Treatment System (30-day) Starter

Proactiv Solution 3-Step Acne Treatment System (30 Day) Starter Size
This skin care complex is a classical three-step procedure that will assist acne prone skin to become cleaner and healthier. The cleanse lube will penetrate deep into the pores and eliminate all the harmful bacteria and bring oil level back to normal.

Revitalizing toner will nourish the cells of the skin at a microscopic level. Finally, the repair cream will restore the beauty of acne-damaged skin bringing back its freshness.


  • It repairs the skin in an exquisite manner.
  • The toner provides a powerful revitalizing effect.


  • It can cause the red rash with some skin types.
  • It is not used for the removal of dark spots.

Dead Sea Mud Mask

Dead Sea Mud Mask Best for Facial Treatment and Body. Helps Fight Look Of Wrinkles, Oily Skin, and Improves Look of Overall Complexion. 8.8oz
There is nothing better than a nice face mask that will nourish the skin and help it to fight the acne problem in a natural way. This dead sea mud mask does not only remove all basic types of acne but additionally helps to detoxify and clean the pores during the procedure. The high-quality natural ingredients rise this mask to a professional cosmetology level.


  • Powerful skin cleansing tool.
  • It naturally normalizes oil level.
  • It is an original dead sea mud.


  • You don’t always have time to put the mask on.
  • You might experience burning and tingling while using it.

Body Merry Retinol Moisturizer

Body Merry Retinol Moisturizer Anti Aging/Wrinkle & Acne Face Moisturizer Cream w Hyaluronic Acid + Vitamins; Deep Hydration for Men & Women! 3.4 oz
This moisturizer shows that natural oils can help a lady to battle acne in the easiest way. After several weeks of using this moisturizer, the skin will restore the beauty and predisposition to acne will be reduced to some serious extent. The main reason for this happening is the formula that is based on an abundance of vitamins, acids, and oils.

Retinol is the most important substance that nourishes the skin, while acids are required to normalize skin oil level. The natural oils perform restorative functions as they smoothen the wrinkles and contribute to the creation of a splendid tone of the skin.


  • It has a comfortable dispenser.
  • The natural ingredients stimulate the skin’s defensive functions.
  • Perfect against wrinkles, acne and pigment spots.


  • People might be allergic to the wheat ingredient.
  • Newer options have got a changed formula with the decreased amount of retinol.

Dead Sea Mud Mask Infused with Hyaluronic Acid, 8oz

Dead Sea Mud Mask Infused With Hyaluronic Acid, 8oz - Exfoliate, Cleanse And Detoxify Your Skin | Reduces Pores, Breakouts and Wrinkles | Repairs Signs of Aging Naturally by Buena Skin
Another Dead Sea Mud Mask is a modified version for a skin that requires some serious treatment. In this case, we have a mask that is modified by an abundance of minerals like bromide, calcium, and magnesium.

The hyaluronic acid infusion performs a powerful oil control and anti-aging function that will make the skin sparkle with radiance. Finally, the mask can be applied not only to the face only but to the skin of the whole body.


  • It is a full nourishing complex.
  • The ingredients provide both cleaning and restorative effect.
  • The effect is faster if compared to standard facial masks.


  • It causes the tightening of the skin for some period.
  • It is a time taking procedure.

Specific Beauty – Hydroquinone Free Morning Skincare System

Specific Beauty - Hydroquinone Free Morning Skincare System - Daily Gentle Cleanser, Intensive Skin Brightening Serum, and Active Radiance Day Moisture SPF 30 - Starter Kit/30 Day Supply
The morning is the time when the skin wakes up and needs a portion of special care. This set of intensive care products will improve an overall quality of the skin.

The cleanser is designated to remove not only excess oil from the skin but also micro dirt and pore-corks which contribute to the formation of acne. Other elements of the complex are made to prevent dryness and nourish the skin after passing the cleansing procedure.


  • It provides especially effective cleaning.
  • It has SPF included.
  • It evens an overall skin tone.


  • The brightening serum can cause red spots on the skin.
  • There is a disproportion with a number of substances.

Specific Beauty – Advanced Dark Spot Correcting Pads

Specific Beauty - Advanced Dark Spot Correcting Pads - Resurfacing Antioxidant Brightening Treatment Infused with Botanical Extracts - 90 Day Supply/90 Pad Count
With this correcting skin pads, the acne on the skin is doomed to go away. Each wipe is soaked with strong natural ingredients like bearberry extract, kojic acid, and green tea extract.

The formula is designated to eliminate free radicals which are often called the main reason for aging and cancer. It is a powerful weapon that gently removes the symptoms of acne on the skin making it lighter and silkier. Now you can enjoy your life with a fresh, radiating skin.


  • The usual way of presentation.
  • It is comfortable during the application to the skin.
  • Especially effective against dark spots.


  • The pads can dry if the can is not closed properly.

CeraVe Daily Moisturizing Lotion 12 oz with Hyaluronic Acid and Ceramides

CeraVe Daily Moisturizing Lotion | 12 Ounce | Face & Body Lotion for Dry Skin with Hyaluronic Acid | Fragrance Free
This lotion is an excellent tool for decent moisturizing of the skin. It generates a special defensive barrier within the skin that blocks the development of acne-causing bacteria. Thanks to hyaluronic acid all the restorative processes occur in a natural way without causing the stress to the skin. The effect of the cream lasts for 24 hours so you need to apply the lotion just one time per day.


  • It is absorbed really fast.
  • The effect lasts for 24 hours.
  • It leaves the feeling of freshness after it dries out.


  • The pump often breaks.
  • It is too heavy for sensitive skin types.

TruSkin Naturals Vitamin C-Plus Super Serum, Anti Aging Anti-Wrinkle Facial Serum with Niacinamide, Retinol, Hyaluronic Acid, and Salicylic Acid

TruSkin Vitamin C-Plus Super Serum, Anti Aging Anti-Wrinkle Facial Serum with Niacinamide, Retinol, Hyaluronic Acid, and Salicylic Acid, 1 oz
This is a powerful defendant against acne of various levels. The formula is a powerful mixture of vitamins, acids like hyaluronic and salicylic, and organic ingredients from plants. The substance is designated to normalize a complexion by fighting the problem at the deepest areas of the skin. Within a few drops of the substance the skin will slowly transform to its best self.


  • Makes the skin look younger and brighter.
  • It applies a powerful formula based on renowned ingredients.
  • You can apply the serum either directly to the skin or combine it with your favorite body lotion.


  • You can use it only 2-3 times a week.
  • A concentration of vitamin C can cause a red rash.

Visage Envy Daily Facial Cleanser

Visage Envy Daily Facial Cleanser, Gentle Soap-Free Face Wash - Non-Drying Formula Effectively Removes Dirt, Oil, Makeup, and Impurities - Paraben-Free - 8 Ounce (Pack of 2)
This is very simple, yet extremely effective substance for the daily care of the facial skin and entire body. It is designed for sensitive types of skin that are facing the problem of acne. It performs a gentle action while nourishing the skin and makes it naturally radiant. It removes bacteria, dirt, and oil from the pores without stretching the skin.


  • It can be applied with water to cover a greater area of skin.
  • It is shipped in a pack of two bottles and it is enough for several months.


  • The cream becomes too dense if wrongly stored and can’t pass through the pump.

Eva Naturals Facelift in a Bottle – 3-in-1 Anti-Aging Set with Retinol Serum

Eva Naturals Facelift in a Bottle - 3-in-1 Anti-Aging Set with Retinol Serum, Vitamin C Serum and Eye Gel - Formulated to Reduce Wrinkles, Fade Dark Spots and Treat Under-Eye Bags - Premium Quality
This is a complex of restorative serums for various parts of the face as each of them requires individual care and approach. The treatment system is designated to remove black and white spots from the skin together with wrinkles and pigment spots. It is composed of natural ingredients only which are absorbed into the skin faster and more effectively than chemicals.


  • All ingredients are 100% natural.
  • It fights with both acne and aging.
  • The serums can be added to your favorite moisturizer.


  • It takes some time to see the effect.
  • You can’t constantly use the serum.

Mario Badescu Drying Lotion

Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, 1 Fl Oz
The owner of oily skin types will greatly benefit from this drying lotion. It performs a non-aggressive action by slow reducing the skin oil level bringing it back to an adequate amount. This reduces the acne outbreaks by 50% as excess oil is usually the main reason of acne occurrence.

The formula utilizes sulfur, calamine and salicylic acid which are frequently present in the medications which are used in the medical substances for acne treatment.


  • It uses medical grade ingredients.
  • The effect for oily skin is truly amazing.


  • Can’t be used for sensitive skin.
  • Sulfur ingredient causes flakiness of the skin.


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