22 Simple Hair Styles With Bangs To Blow Away Your Mind

Bangs made their entry into the hair fashion world some time back and have since stuck! Not only are they extremely stylish, but they also bring along a powerful multi-purpose arsenal into your beauty kit. They are versatile hair styles and are available in many forms to suit your head and desires. Your options are limitless, but nothing beats these two simple hairstyles with bangs for your wavy medium hair:

Medium Wavy Look

For someone with hair of medium length, a good look would be the totally straightened out style. Side sweep your bangs before having them straightened up for that truly hot look. It will get you endless compliments.

Medium Wavy Bang Style

Try using your barrel curler for expertly curling up all your hair, save for the bangs. Using your fingers, loosen them up and then utilize some fixing spray for setting your waves. This is certainly one of those simple hairstyles with bangs; a very striking choice if you love medium with bangs.

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See also  11 French Hairdo With Loose Bangs - Twist 'Em Up In 7 Simple Steps

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