Top 13 Twist Hairstyles Therapy That Makes You Look Pretty

This is a style that is made by dividing the hairs into sections; you then twist strands of hair and lastly twisting two twisted over each other. Unlike dreadlocks, they are not big and longer. They can be made when curly hair is still wet and relaxed after soaking in warm water. For you to maintain the hairstyles, you are advised to cover the hair with headscarf while sleeping.

Kinky twists hairstyles

The hairstyle is made by women with naturally curly or kinky hair. Most women prefer this hairstyle since it keeps the natural hair as it is without use of heat or other chemicals. This hairstyle is loved by many ladies since it looks pretty and new for two weeks without doing anything to it.


This is a gorgeous braiding technique. It looks beautiful whether your hair is relaxed or natural. Another good thing about Senegalese twist hairstyles is its easiness to maintain because it is not braided in a traditional way. It becomes more appealing when you add two different colors of extensional hair.

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