14 Styling your new hairstyles with bangs a beautiful way

Hey girls, Whats up? Tired of the getting the same hairstyle several times.So lets get the problem away,
Abracadabra Here we are, in this article we are about to reveal some beautiful hair styling ways to make
you more beautiful than ever. At presently, the most popular styling for hair is using “bangs”. In “bangs” the hairs residing in the front portion are cut-offed so that they lie just over the forehead. Lets get started with different types of new hairstyles with bangs.

New hairstyles with Bangs

Straight (new long hairstyles with bangs) In this style the hair are a bit blunt on the front depending on the hair cut. The hairs are cut in normal straight down pattern. In this new hairstyle with bangs, there is no interference between the side swept hairs and the hairs combed straight down.

Blunt (new long hairstyles with bangs) In this style the hair are cut in the same fashion as that of straight style, the only difference is that in “blunt” style the hair appears a little heavier and thicker the straight style.

Pin-up (new long hairstyles with bangs) This style is a little different then the two styles mentioned before. In this style the hairs are cut-offed in “U” alphabet manner above the eyebrows and appears a little curved manner. This hair style was made famous by Bettie page and after that it is now very popular among many girls.
So now with this our article has come to an end, hope you liked it, THANK YOU.

See also  16 Ponytails hairstyles with Bangs Work for All

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14 Styling your new hairstyles with bangs a beautiful way


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