13 Stretch out your hair with short natural updo Hairstyles

An up do hairstyle is one where your hair is combed neatly on the very top of your head away from your face and neck. They are mostly done for special occasions such as weddings.

It consists of bee hives which are believed to suit people with long hair but that remains to be just a belief. Up dos on natural short hair are easy to do and end up looking very sexy and classy. They include Bantu knots, kinky curls, twist outs, flat twist up dos.

The easiest is the bun up do. All you have to do is wash your natural hair, twist it and let it stay for a day or two then Afro comb it leaving the edges untouched.

Place hair pins all round leaving a very wide rugged bun at the top. You can also apply gel to the sides so as to complete your elegant look.

You just have to be willing to stretch out your hair a little bit. You can also do Bantu knots instead of the twist and still achieve a great look.

You can comfortably go to class with this look. It is also suitable for dates and it can serve you for up to three days. These styles expose your beautiful face and allow you to wear loop earrings if they are your style.

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See also  Top Awesome Natural Hairstyles for Short Hair

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