13 Trendy Mohawks And Male Hairstyles Of Central Africa Natives

Of all the crazy hairstyles for guys, mowhawk stands out as the trendiest. They are everywhere. In fashion, soccer, music, and even in Hollywood. However, one thing most people do not know about the range of crazy hairstyles referred to as mohawk, is their similarity to traditional hairstyles in Central Africa.

Natives of Ugogo tribe in Central Africa believed that communication with the supernatural was improved by an elevated hair. Funny, how that compares with radio communication antennae.

However, what they ended up doing was plucking the sides of the hair and elevating the top as high as possible. For the modish urban male, mohawk is used aesthetically to attain a crazy but fashionable hairstyle.

Crazy but fashionable hairstyles such as mohawk require professional hairdressers. This makes hairdressing more of an art rather than just a nondescript profession. Just like among natives of Ugogo tribe, modern professional hairdressers are held in high esteem. You only need to look at the complex designs of some mohawk designs to realize this fact.

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See also  7 Charmingly messy hairstyles

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